
Thursday, 28 February 2013

It's Not The End Of The World

I haven't had the 'muse' again recently and even though different ideas where floating around my head I couldn't bring myself to have a good old moan and rant about existing in the modern world again !
So I thought once again I would just lay some music on 'ya.
I have chosen four immense but sadly deceased great 'British' musicians who all ploughed their own musical furrows with various degrees of success and fame but they have the common factor of leaving behind them a treasure trove of great songs and wonderful albums.
Also I thought I would then dedicate the four tracks to three of my favourite 'British' photographers two of whom are represented on this page...thank you Tom Wood, John Bulmer and Don McCullin.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Hail King Car

The car rules OK !
Please believe me it really does rule us , we are now a subservient race all in thrall to the combustion engine that takes us from A to B then from B to C etc etc…
I actually came to this conclusion the other week when it snowed for a couple of days dropping more than six inches of the white stuff all over the country and basically the only thing that seemed to bother, annoy and stress people out was the fact that it was too dangerous to drive, the gritting situation on the roads and whether god forbid they might have to leave their precious car in their drive or parked outside their home. When it snows I get a train to work, I walk to the shops, I realise that some inconveniences will happen and when the ice and snow disappears I can use the car again. I have never moved to a  remote area because you are likely to be stranded in bad weather or have to purchase one of those monstrous 4x4’s that dominate the town & countryside therefore when it snows you should have take this into consideration when you decided to move there.
Now I wanted to clear my front path and the pavement both for my house and our neighbours after the snow had fallen. I had my snow shovel and the bag of grit I had previously bought in case the snow came so out I went and started to shovel the snow but I couldn’t really move it anywhere else because everywhere I looked there was a car parked taking up all the road space and some of the pavement areas too. The local council had gritted the main roads but no minor roads like ours so I put my grit down for the car drivers and moved the snow as much as I could. I then thought I would walk down into the town centre for some food, of course the council weren’t interested in gritting any pavements so it was treacherous to the extreme and if you were elderly you would not have been able to leave your house BUT for the car owner everything was fine, no ice, no snow, their little piece of the world was gritted because the car rules in this country and pedestrians obviously don’t, we just fall over, break bones and suffer………………………… 
