
Friday, 9 November 2012

Death By Unga Bunga

I can’t confess that I am an expert on Politics and I never went to University as a young man but as I have moved through the decades of my life I have built up certain opinions and beliefs. One of these beliefs is that I am happy to be proud of many things (obviously not everything!) regarding the country where I live without being overtly nationalistic or where I get to the point that I distrust every newcomer to my country as a corrosive influence from outside or someone who will be detrimental to the lifestyle that I have accustomed myself too and the same lifestyle that I am sure many people enjoy, of course I do not.
Now what really annoys me is the way we (e.g. the government, our society ??) let’s everything be sold off for a king’s shilling to the highest bidder and offers no protectionist policies whatsoever. Lately Penguin (yes Penquin Books !! the unique and treasured Penquin Books) have been sold/merged with Random House Publishing a German company and also my beloved Branston Pickle is now owned by a Japanese conglomerate. I’ve seen HP Sauce sold abroad and Cadbury’s taken over by Nestle (they will always be Nestles to me). I have nothing against either Germany or Japan or any of its citizens I just feel passionately that these brands remain British owned and British made and then they should be sold everywhere as a purely British product. The trouble is the whole world is now seen as a global village with no borders  and apparently these outdated opinions don’t matter anymore but to me they do matter and they should matter more too others as well. I love Marmite,  Branston Pickle, Cheddar Cheese, HP Sauce, Sarsons Vinegar, choclate etc  but as a country we do not value these products and we seem quite happy to see factories and jobs move abroad  to produce these products, make huge profits and sell it back to us without a whimper of protest.
Well shame on us all I say.
Let's enjoy some music...

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