
Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Night Bleeds Hope

So my least favourite day of the year is long gone, good riddance to Halloween for another year. Goodbye to one of the most over-commercialised, over-hyped, fright night- shite days of the year. Unbelievably a reasonably civilised society such as the USA has built this tripe fest to massive proportions and then transplanted it back over here so we all have to suffer this nonsense. Why can’t we just celebrate our old-fashioned pagan ways ourselves without all this Hollywood scary movie, vampire slaying, Boris Karloff bollocks every 31st of October.
Anyway moving on, this week I caught up with two fascinating documentaries on the making of ‘Tommy’ & ‘Quadrophenia’ by The Who. Two wonderful rock operas that still sound as cool and fresh today, even though they came out of Pete Townsend’s brain more than 30 years ago. Sitting watching these docs, really brought it home to me how clever and literate Townsend was and the fact that the band all came from my old area of West London makes them rather special. It made me smile watching Pete being filmed having a discussion about ‘mods’ in the Pie & Mash shop that is still there in Shepherds Bush. My Nan used to go there every Friday for a takeaway to bring it back on the bus (no 117) I think and we would have the pie, mash and liquor re-heated for a fabulous weekly treat.
Also this week saw the end of Lou Reed, I always appreciated what he did and what he was to modern rock music history without being a big fan although I do own a smattering of his albums. I always really liked ‘New York’ from 1989 which was his 15th solo album !! for it’s great guitar riffs and acerbic lyrics. I only saw him play live once at an odd venue, The London Palladium and the gig became more memorable to me for the location rather than the music. 
RIP Lou Reed


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